she teasingly turns you on slowly like a bee sting burn or what dawn does to morning she's beautiful when she wakes up from insomniac evenings laughably easy return to menotyny after altered states and dreaming brunette eyes with blond kisses but your love for another her grabs you by the jugular and squeezes hard your tidal wave heart look in the mirror and hate what you see but love your reflection when mirrored in her eyes, a lesson in vanity and sickly you hope that she disappears when you're not looking at her, when she's not here with you thinking she should've lived every moment of her life waiting just to be here with you tonight oh the shitty thoughts of being a guy she closes her eyes as she cums close your eyes and she becomes someone you want her to be she becomes you and you are not me life becomes one big apology to someone we haven't even met yet someone who probably doesn't even exist yet another her that's just all in your head, just another lesson in vanity