It isn't everyday something happens in our neck of The woods And it's a tired point I'm making I hope it'll lend Me the goods I've always been told I've had better things to do than Sit and wait Wait for something, anything to happen in on me or Us as of late Because I found him So cute and cuddly He loves me, I'm his mommy Jack the Rabbit does everything I say Well he better or I'll not feed him today Jack's 8 feet tall and stout as a wall, he's liable to do some damage But as we see he listens to me and is harmless with a Little cabbage I hate to say he's a guard dog because he�s obviously A fucking rabbit More to the point, when he's angry, he's lethal So he's my assassin He's Rico Suave and the ladies love him he Rubs it in my face Last week a jealous boyfriend came and tore the Shit out of my place He's covered hi neck so far, but I'm too Far from optimistic And if this antichrist slips me one more time, I'll cut off his fucking dick