Negative side of human life Prostitution, child abandonment Violent protest Economic unbalances Drug addicts, pressure on the job Corruption brings injustice People wishing to see beggars on the street Diseases, malpractices Pride, arrogance Common evil, heavy conscious Awakening to the filth Peace of mind is sought by all creation Imperfect world Gang shoot-outs Seeds of Cain Misguided individuals Brought up by broken homes Evil tradition maintained Like a disease indeed Con artits everywhere God's blessing is not upon many Mistrusting the good hearted For listening to the serpent Driving around the neighbourhood Looking left and right You see the pain in their faces While facing everyday life Underpaid workers trying to make ends meet Poor result in productivity Revolted by life's misery Amazing how the human race has survived this far From space, earth looks so peaceful But here is No laughing matter Seeking seclusion in nature For all this is disgusting me Common evil, heavy conscious Awakening to the filth Peace of mind is sought by all creation