Before the sunrise before the sunrise, you'll come like a stranger You stayed a long time in our midst and we will never forget, how your presence strengthened our minds. But then some people thought that you attracted too much attention so they decided that you had to leave us in this painful way. Before the sunrise... Before you left us and went on in your direction you gave us your promise that you'll come back and nobody knows the time it will be except the one, who will send him back in time. Pay attention Stay awake for his return, cause it's near. Before the sunrise... Therefore he advised us to be ready for this moment "just as a man can prevent trouble from thieves by watching out for them, so you can avoid trouble by always being ready for my return." It's no use to guess or to calculate when it will be cause many things have to happen first, but there is one thing you can truly trust in He'll come back and on that day we'll all see him. Pay attention Stay awake for his return, cause it's near.