The doors of the church were dimly lit No gate would budge a needle's width But i would be a hapless fool Had i not brought some useful tool Been to the smithey at the wharf Bought lockpicks from a jewish dwarf My morals, they are like changing friends They are the means to my own ends East end apse [3x] A codex from some holy saint Laid in a box, adorned so quaint Like popish dregs would cherish it My fence he wouldn't care one bit In public houses drenched in ale On hills or deep down in the dale For years to come would they discuss The theft of a scroll from the east end apse The theft of a scroll from the east end apse (common!) That's where i go and steal the scroll And make the congregation cry Had i to choose between the two My loathing for religious stew Or pleasure stealing christian things My impulse gives what pleasure brings No dogma puts my mind on a leash Or blackmails me for their prestige Condemns me for my petty crimes While they've been thieving through all times East end apse [3x] As fireworks and bells interred the worn-out year I sneaked into the sexton's 'cause he wasn't there And found in the absence of the light of day The interconnecting passageway [3x] Unlocked sev'ral doors to the heart of the matter With noise outside things could not have been better The reliquary lock my flower to pick I knew what to do and i did it quick I made my way back into the house And left no traces, quiet as a mouse And i can't wait hearing those churchy chaps Noticed something's missing from the east end apse! In public houses drenched in ale On hills or deep down in the dale For years to come would they discuss The theft of a scroll from the east end apse East end apse [2x]