Drop anchor; lower the sails we are here Now I standing here where it all began A place once so close to me now a foreign land I look up at the sky I call, and I cry, I’m home Bones buried beneath The earth at my feet Remains of my people I gravely seek Now I’ve returned Answered the call The anthem of a people I no longer know As many moons passed Their faces grew strange Afraid of forgetting I cling to my name On ventures I swore I'd once return home Not realizing that homes is where I roam Under the sky I was birthed I walk as a stranger My mind’s eye imagined I’d find rest in the place But my mind could only see And never know how I feel now I’m in this space A face and voice I remember Not one resembles her Drop anchor; lower the sails we are here Now I standing here where it all began A place once so close to me now a foreign land I look up at the sky I call, and I cry, I’m home Bones buried beneath The earth at my feet Remains of my people I gravely seek Now I’ve returned Answered the call The anthem of a people I no longer know As many moons passed Their faces grew strange Afraid of forgetting I cling to my name On ventures I swore I'd once return home Not realizing that homes is where I roam Under the sky I was birthed I walk as a stranger My mind’s eye imagined I’d find rest in the place But my mind could only see And never know how I feel now I’m in this space A face and voice I remember Not one resembles her Blank stares and empty souls Will ne’er fill this hole Set course for the open sea Far away from this land The only place I can call my home Is where my two feet stand Now I want nothing more Than to flee these shores And leave behind all this Return to the ship Destined for the open sea Let go my past family Follow the winds of time Create what’s truly mine Hear this tale of caution From a soul destined to roam Cling to your closest ones And cherish your home Sailing the open sea Waves crash lighting flash Alone in memory