Walking to my class one day, a bunch of guys got in my way With highlighted hair and matching shirts, they stare at all of the girls' skirts They look at me as I go by, one whispered something about g. d. i. So I flip 'em off as I went past and now they want to kick my ass Oh no they don't like me 'Cause my daddy don't buy me friends and I don't give a fuck about chasing trends And I don't want to be told to conform to a world where shallow assholes are the norm Don't want to be a piece of frat boy trash You won't find me buying all my friends with cash So you say frat boys aren't so bad, well you haven't had the days I've had They bitch about their SUV's and pretend they don't have STD's From all the girls they pick up at the clubs, with the courtesy of their date rape drugs They say membership has its perks, but I don't want a part in their circle jerk