Tom: D G Early In The Morning Gm When Your Eyes Are Swollen D When Your Hair's A Mess D G And Your Lips Taste Like A Cigarette Gm Is This Something D Am I Lovesick Bm G Or Is This Some Kind Of Trick In The Meantime A I'll Lay Still D Left To My Own Devices distorted let ring G And Each And Every Evening Gm Without Reason D I Waste Your Time Cause It Comes Cheap D Then It's Gone In A Heart-Beat G I Know You're Not Sleeping Gm Did I Hurt Your Feelings D Now You're Lost In A Crowd D Our Silence So Loud G In The Meantime A I'll Wait Here Alone D With My Own Devices G (full volume and distortion) How Long Has It Been Gm Since You Said Something D I've wanted To Hear D Just Say What You Mean G And Each And Every Evening Gm I Smash Your Favorite Things A I Fuck Myself To Sleep Cm Leave The Phone To Ring G Be Still My Heart A I Hate Being Here D With My Own Devices the wordless part comes next which is the same pace as the top half G Gm D E|-3------3--------------------------------| B|-3------3---------7---------------------| G|-4------3---------7---------------------| D|-5------5-x| 16----7-x32-----------------| A|-5-x16--5---------5---------------------| E|-3------3-------------------------------| G Gm D Bm E|-3------3-------------------2------------| B|-3------3---------7---------3------------| G|-4------3---------7---------4-x16-----------| D|-5------5-x| 16----7-x16-----4------------| A|-5-x16--5---------5---------2------------| E|-3------3-------------------------------| G Cm(such a strange chord shape i learned from radiohead's creep tab) E|-3------3--------------------| B|-3------1--------------------| G|-4--x16-0--x16---------------| D|-5------1--------------------| A|-5---------------------------| E|-3---------------------------| D E|--55---55-3--33---------------| B|--77---77-3--33---------------| G|--77---77-4--44---------------| x 2 or 3 i cant remember D|--75---77-4--44---------------| A|--55---77-5--55---------------| E|----------3--33---------------| but thats it hope you all give it a good rating i wish more ppl knew about them even though they broke up