Damaged lives With two evil eyes they stare at me Stone cold stupidity Whores of a better tomorrow? Liquid babe on their tongues Sick become ill Brats and rats everywhere Am I supposed to owe you for this fucked up shit? Disturbing the priest The way I have preached in my free speech of choice Raging pit-bull of the leach Violators on ground zero Impressing, depressing Role model rebel gets burned This touch of hysteria Closing my cage to total solitude Hail Mary full of shit Deep within the circle of life Mary's raising the dead Within the innocence an purity Mary's raising the dead Mary Spawn of Satan marches into glory As Mary's raising the dead Raising Close within the circle of life Mary's raising the dead Dead No bright light, the infinity is absolute black A hard day's pain, long days of nightmare fades A lot of fuckin' turbulence, emotions no sweet A volcanic promotion cutting my throat wide open The dog was looking down, infesting my nest I pleaded to be left alone, without you and him I did my thing but the retards were eating me alive Dizzy and confused I marched into darkness Slave to the system Longing for deaths hand Funeral rebirth You sons of bitches I will travel in your minds You don't know what sorrows you've enclosed You choked me, now I choke you, feel it coming bitch Yeah, face the mirror you accident of god, ghost of me Get ready to run downhill, I'll be waiting for you Deep within the circle of life Mary's raising the dead Within the innocence an purity Mary's raising the dead Spawn of Satan marches into glory As Mary's raising the dead Close within the circle of life Mary's raising the dead