Listen my friend for I shall bestow the secret of happiness upon you: No greater joy than the excitement of a wild snowball fight, No greater cosiness than the warmth of an open fire, No greater achievement than forced genetic stride So to fulfil this holy trinity, to inseparably unite them Into oneness, there is, logically, only one way: Creation of a Nuclear winter Wonderland, pure bliss Condensed into crystalline white with just a hint of a green tinge. Just let your inner eye Gaze into this marvellous glance: Children running (around), whooping, flinging three snowballs at once. Yet Not everyone May recognize That we’re in store for a future so bright Such a dear sight, Who needs a Christmas carol When one can have a fission parol? Just press that cute little button, such a lovely shade of red, and of you go, the dream comes true, in the end Snow gently caressing the earth, the dream of every little boy Snow gently caressing the earth, the children radiate with joy Yet Not everyone May recognize That we’re in store for a future so bright We should Ask ourselves With open eyes Isn't the quest for bliss worth a few million sacrificed? We will behold the genesis of a paradise: The nuclear winter wonderland shall arise Snow gently caressing the earth, The dream of every girl and boy Snow gently caressing the earth, And the children radiate with joy