On wings of fire he rideth the night With his blade of terror he doth fright I am earth, granting stability and burying you I am air, purifying and choking you I am water, cleansing and drowning you I am fire, giving warmth and burning you I am alpha and omega, going back and forth I am the shadow, unite with the silhouette I am the architect, building my temple I am the contradictor, teaching and punishing myself I am the source, illuminating truth I am protective, giving and warm I am destructive, ugly and selfish I am tender, with a heart made of stone I am all-knowing, though I know not I am the beginning, declaring the end I am pure and disease is my name I have come into being I am On wings of fire he rideth the night With his blade of terror he doth fright I am order, abiding in chaos I am eternal, within the absence of time I am infernal, as the cold sweeps my skin I am the light, while all I touch gets blackened I am silence, though my voice is deafening I am life, and therefore I am sowing death I am existence, so I forever am I am many, although I stand alone I am without boundaries, and so I cross all of yours I am all meaning., in this life without purpose I am the beginning, declaring the end I am pure and disease is my name I have come into being I am