Verse1: Girl your love is absolute to me, Your the only thing I'll ever need, Wanna be there wherever u r, I wanna kiss you under a shooting star, IIII nneeddd yyooou!! Chorus: I 'm needin u (2x to fade) I'm wantin u (2x to fade) Girl i need u Girl i want u, to know how much i love u, Girl I really doooo... Verse2: Everytime u smile at me, It means the world to me, Girl when we get in fights, You juss pick up n call me, But i need to know, If u really want to, Do you really love me?, because i know i love you. I wish n hope u love me the way i think u do, Chorus Verse 3: Your the only one i need n my life, As time goes on ill ask u to b my wife, I wanna b with u the rest of myy liiiife, When we were kids i know we hardly knew eachother, but now were older n im askin u to marry me, I need to know Beeeecause.. Chorus..(fade out)