Does he read the paper? Comb his hair back? Wake up in the morning with a list of things to do? Walk to work now Take the train down town Black leather jacket with his favorite shoes Oh, stop in for coffee if he has the time I hope they call his name at the same time as mine Oh, I catch myself thinking how sweet it'd be To have somebody sitting there across from me Do you take sugar in your coffee, honey in your tea? Is it crazy for me to believe That this old cafe is where we'll meet Does she open the window? Shut the blinds down Wake up every morning just to hit the snooze? Sing in the shower Make up the words now Turn on the radio and tune out the news Oh, stop in for coffee if she has the time I hope they call her name at the same time as mine Why put so much thought in our first conversation When I know you so well in my imagination Say I'm too optimistic but I don't mind If I miss you today, then tomorrow's alright Wasn't so crazy for me to believe That this old cafe is where we'd meet