WIDOW CORNEY (spoken) We must retireve that boy, Mr. Bumble. MR. BUMBLE (spoken) We must indeed ma'am. We must indeed. BOTH (sung) Oliver! Oliver! WIDOW CORNEY That was the mite With the large appetite BOTH (sung) Oliver! Oliver! MR. BUMBLE Apparently he's from a rich family! WIDOW CORNEY And to think we Nearly Stupidly went and lost track of him... MR. BUMBLE If the truth were Know we Both were delighted at seeing the back of him. BOTH (sung) Oliver! Oliver! MR. BUMBLE What'll we do...? WIDOW CORNEY We must give him his due... BOTH ...And we'll praise the day Somebody gave us MR. BUMBLE Raise the flags WIDOW CORNEY Coming to save us BOTH Cash rewards MR. BUMBLE Plus a promotion WIDOW CORNEY Who'd have thought? MR. BUMBLE Hadn't a notion BOTH Praise the lord, somebody brought us O-li-ver!