A Trembling rebirth circles me As a winter wilts my human heart There’s a flightless Cabaret Filled with Flash pans set to fade Flash floods my mouth with worship As the numbered sons kept at the gate The Sun is soon to hit the deck Climb into set, unwind and rest We stayed up as the Moon dials In an ancient sleeping field Go get the bed sheets Some nice blankets, to sleep The Sun lays out all upset Climbs into set, to unwind and rest It’s when my mouth began moving Articulating everything Stayed out late on the clouds Until the coast was clear to come down I’m set to fade; I’m set to fade The last sorceress remains spread Plays dead on a silk sea of haze A church bell tower spells out I’m in the flash pans set to fade The most dearest exchange to make While I still owe my penniless self The coast was clear to come down And I could finally trust the ground We’d stayed up as the Moon dials Kissed everything that mattered goodnight Goodnight, goodnight, goodnight