Conspiracies and theories They promulgate to death Always form a series Of concepts so far-fetched But the answer is more humble There are no aliens The theory takes a tumble Because they're all simians What are the chances of an alien like that? Their anatomy suggest they're humanoid, minus fat On other planets the atmosphere would kill The time it would take to get here Is something they could never fulfil It would take eternity Travelling this distance Across the universe And even the fraternity Of beings wouldn't see us They'd die before getting close Even if longevity Is much higher for them They don't have a cure for death The journey would take centuries To their death they'd be condemned This is all because they came back here before their birth They are just humans from our future on this earth They have evolved beyond; we evolved from early man They are part of an elite a struggling future clan Can't you see what you're buying into? It's marketed as truth They call it "The Alien!", so you will buy their magazine Time travel theory is likely, as opposed to "aliens" Their world in the future is so much more feasible Like Brave New World, infected clones. The sense unfolds, compare their bones with homo sapiens; We're so alike. There's no "alien"; you know it's right Time travel is more feasible than humanoid galaxian voyagers Think about blackholes and wormholes We're going to be time-dimension warriors Their heads are substantial because they've evolved (Perhaps these thoughts have already been thought) They use the other 80% of our brain They've learned new ways of overcoming stress and pain People want to believe that we're "not alone" But surely the idea of time-travel clones Is just as enthralling as life elsewhere One day they'll discover them and then they'll care* Because of their large brains they communicate Without using their mouths; they are telepathic And no need to defecate because they take pills which Satisfy all their needs without the waste products we have UFOs: they disappear Because they're shifting dimensions for a moment To avoid changing their future world Their eyes glazed over because the atmosphere's too gaseous This is why their nostrils are so small; to guard their lungs Their skin discoloured because they lack oxygen and bloodflow And their circulation is restricted by pollution The reason they come back in time Is because they're running out Of things they use too much Like raw materials, air And organ donors, no doubt They're running out of luck Perhaps they have no record Or history of our race Was it destroyed by fire? And they almost got wiped out By pollution or plagues Abductions of modern humans rarely occur Because they don't like to interfere with their past It could have a devastating effect on their lives If they tamper too much with us, their civilisation won't last