Ae Whitsun day in Huntly toon, it's there I did agree Wi' Bogie side o' Cairnie, a six-months for tae fee Tae drive his twa best horses, likewise his cairt and ploo And tae dee a thing aboot the fairm that richt weel I can do Noo Bogie had a dochter wha's name was Isabelle The floo'er o' her nation, there's nane her could excel She had rosy cheeks and ruby lips and hair a darkish hue She was neat, complete and handsome and comely for tae view One day she went a-ramblin' and chose me for her guide Tae tak' a pleasant walk wi' her alang by Cairnieside I've slipped my airm aboot her waist and tae the groond did slide And it's there I've had ma first braw nicht wi' the Belle o' Bogieside The blackbird sang sae sweetly, the mavis sang sae shrill And a' the chorus o' their sang was, "There lies Bogie's Belle" Amang the weeds o' Cairnie, upon the grass sae green Then she and I rose up again for fear we would be seen 'Ere twenty weeks had passed and gone, this lassie lost her bloom Her rosy cheeks grew pale and wan, and she began tae swoon 'Ere forty weeks had passed and gone, this maid brought forth a son And I was quickly sent for tae see what could be done Auld Bogie heard my story and cried, "I am undone Since ye beguiled my dochter, my sorrows are begun" Ah says, "Auld man, ye're fairly richt," and I hung my heid in shame "I'll mairry Belle the morning, Ah'll gie the bairn ma name" But though I said I'd wad the lass, na, na, that wouldnae dae "Ye're nae a fittin' match for Belle, nor she a match for ye" And he sent me packin' doon the road wi' nae penny o' ma fee Sae a' ye lads o' Huntly toon, a lang fareweel tae ye And noo she's mairried wi' a tinklerlad wha's name is Soutar John He hawks his pans and ladles aroon' by Fogieloan And maybe she's got a better match, auld Bogie canna tell But it's me wha's ta'en the maidenheid o' Bogie's bonnie Belle