Oh ye Scots, working men, ye've gone crazy, I fear Every day ye maun hae yer but beef and yer beer Little ken ye I noo, though ye'll soon come tae learn That yer natural food is but tatties and herrin' Tatties and herrin', tatties and herrin' Yer natural food is but tatties and herrin' Wi' a pound in the week ye maun fair be content Ye've aye got ten shillings for claes and for rent Twa and six tae pit by gin ye need to be sparin' Aye, and seven and sixpence for tatties and herrin' Tatties and herrin', tatties and herrin' Aye, seven and sixpence for tatties and herrin' When the harbor o' refuge was first thought about Aberdeen and Stanehive, they were fair pitten oot Fan they heard that the convicts were gettin' best farin' O' guid Buchan tatties and Peterhead herrin' Tatties and herrin', tatties and herrin' O' guid Buchan tatties and Peterhead herrin' Fan the queen's wantin' men tae gang fecht wi' her foes It's nae tae the roast beef devourers she goes But awa' tae the north amongst the brave and the darin' Tae the lads that were brocht up on tatties and herrin' Tatties and herrin', tatties and herrin' Tae the lads that were brocht up on tatties and herrin' Tatties and herrin', tatties and herrin' Tae the lads that were brocht up on tatties and herrin'