"Plunge into life's liberating insanity, The health which they fear” You know nothing but belief Crippling, static blocks in the river of life Your fear fuels the self-destruction Presented as rightful conduct Your need to present an image Comes from your rotten hollowness All your betrayal Forcing you to retain some “dignity” Fuck your “dignity” and wake up! This suffering can open your humanity Fuck your dignity and wake up! This pain can show the way straight into yourself This image is but an image Another distraction for believers Another momentary drama To veil life’s beauty Empty the rotten conditioned mind Plunge into life’s liberating insanity, the health which they fear Gasping from suffocating ties In line, with tightened assholes Fuck your “dignity” and wake up! This suffering can open your humanity Fuck your dignity and wake up! This pain can show the way straight into yourself This image is but an image Another distraction for believers Another momentary drama To veil life’s beauty And I feel this rhythm inside Its repercussions can’t be denied Fuck your dignity and wake up! This suffering can open your humanity Fuck your dignity and wake up! This pain can show the way straight into yourself And I feel this rhythm inside Its repercussions can’t be denied The striving for “perfection” which kills life You are fighting your own nature! The fear from being in a body Makes you go against it, although it is all you claim to have! Your clinging to beauty makes it rot The stench you contain within this shell You hide, forever, from the blessings Your will to powerlessness Engulfs your intentions Surrounds you with quicksand Life becomes a drag Your goals focus on comfort A dead dulling comfort Dynamics become frightening And life itself the enemy Empty the rotten conditioned mind Plunge into life’s liberating insanity, the health which they fear Gasping from suffocating ties In line, with tightened assholes WAKE UP!