The little man took the Cup The Cup of Dogs Piss And drank it whole Turned slowly and smiled Urine trickling down his chin "All will die" , he whispered Running with his footless stumps He screamed as he burst into flames Devoured by Death, was the little man By the doing of my hand Oh yes, I was pleased It was a pleasure to the eye His misfortune was my fortune I enjoy people dying before me They lie beneath my throne Dying by my wrath I laugh. Laugh and snigger At my ill-fated doings And then all of a sudden The Altar was prepared With human remains And blood from the Unwanted Horse Tied up and gagged, the Dwarf Silently died! He gave his life to the Bastards Bringing hope to all those Who continued with the rapes And the Humongous Killings The Mongol Foetus beheld village carnage Within the betrayed sewerage domaine Crawly vermints slithered in slime To see the Murdered Plasma And lo! He was generous with pain! Yet horrific was his pleasure as he pointed Pointed at death! Death was a pleasing, release Old John, wobbled and fell Krustore stood on his face Looked with disgust, and let the knife do its work Hacked John's bone joints, bluntly apart Tremendous, said Krustore, in the bloody sunset Imbeciles gaining their just desserts Decapitation and Disembowelment Fucking idiots dying for their foolishness