Now the three travelers break out of the Dog-king's lair Ascending a mountain of broken stone and shattered columns in the sun-strewn morning air And standing atop the golden dome they can see for miles and miles where Washington stood But this cannot be understood for all of their lives the sky has always been gray But this could be the dawning of a newer day For there in the distance proceeding before two great shadows comes a man or maybe it's a machine For like a miracle of terraforming where he walks the world beneath his feet is mended with splendid fields of green And tell me my brothers what wonders are these? Great pillars of brown and green supporting the sky clearly this must be the return of the trees Trembling with fear as he approaches and is near And he says,"Arise! For I am not god. I am not man. What I am is the Proto-Man: A harmonic resonance of biology and technology. And I have come to make undone a world overrun and ground down under the wheel Of the automobile."