Officer Negative

Human Garbage Can

Officer Negative

Can't you see 
Can't you see 

Its murder in the first degree 
Your killing my God's babies 
It's not a fetus not a blob 
Your ripping her head off 

God did not create 
Man to kill man 
Did not create 
A human garbage can 

Brain waves can be measured at forty days 
Babies feel the pain 
At three weeks babies develop eyes and lungs 
Stomachs and intestines 

You are wrong 
You are wrong 
You can't see 
That you are wrong 

Abortion has killed over 28 millino lives 
Don't believe the doctors they're already human lives 
They say a fetus a lifeless piece of mass 
Don't take the lies don't take it 
Fight Back 

This all happens before the mom even knows 
That she is pregnant 
Abortion has killed over 28 million