I Think I'm Burning Up Inside I Think I'll Take a Little Ride I'm Gonna Light Up Everything in Sight I'll Drive On By Your Yard And Throw a Molotov Cocktail At Your Car Then Another in the Local Bar Chorus Ignition They Call It An Obsession But I Think It's Kinda Bitchin' I Think It's Kinda Neat Yeah, I'm a Pyro I Wanna Burn It Up Yeah, I'm a Pyro Tonight This 'hood Will Be a Pyre I'm Gonna Set Your House On Fire I'll Dance Around the Pretty Flames Such a Wonderful Game! Chorus I Want to Make a Tiki Torch I'm Gonna Throw It On Your Porch Then I'm Gonna Run Away And Come Back Another Day So Many Houses, So Little Time So Many Reasons, I'm Not a Crime I'd Like to Set You Up I'd Like to Set You Up Chorus