For me music's a narcotic Beyond the healing power of antibiotics and hypnotics Watch me push my products To the prodigal tots Grow them up to methodical robots Proud parents applaud the work ethic Oblivious to symptoms and blind spots within them I wasn't born this way I grew to the man that stands before you today With the help of countless blind eyes that were happy to oblige Take your time with the interpretation Lest you lose the story's message in the translation Pay attention while I offer up the narration See I had a band, we wrote some songs, we got along famously But missing puzzle pieces made the puzzle wrong and incomplete As time went on the body count was a roll-call for the victims of routine So I jumped ship and inflated my passions and went to sea I always wrote but I couldn't sing Though every note danced in my brain Every moment, the words, they came Every moment became a day Every day became a stepping stone A guessing game I played alone I stumbled and I slipped and I tripped and I fell But oh well All my heroes carry guns Take this, and take this, and take this and run Don't stop, update everyone A basement full of idiots Hooked on the box, smoking pot They had a gift, they had a vision, they forgot But I remember like it's present tense That I've been trapped in ever since Experienced a metamorphosis of how I rock Another disillusioned son Another CD pressed and spun Another kid that wants to rap to solve his problems claiming therapy Claiming he's the one Claiming all sorts of unfounded stuff he's not Claiming a lot Claiming he's a prodigal tot So I shed my skin of an instrument That I was clinging t