Drive home kinda late kinde tired too. Had fun just like last time. The road is clear we're goin' fast we're doin' fine. Always dreamed of these days as a little kid. I reached it with my friends. It's kinda normal now but still i know it's what i worked on hard so now it's what i get! I play, it keeps me alive 'cause i was born with this just to survive. And i just begun, i'll cary on, yeah i continue 'till its no more fun. It's just where i belong. Hey there's more and i know that i need it too. But how could i survive without the stage, the music, man i need this life. So if my arms ever get chopped off, and i can play no more then promise me you kill me fast unless you give me hooks so i still can do what i am for. I play, it keeps me alive......