Blind, you shut out what you can't take Hide from your regrets, go numb, become displaced And run to the water’s edge, they'll meet you there You'll draw pictures in the sand of all the times from when you didn't care Grow up, remain in safety living in the crowd Grow old, refraining from the life you want to call your own Don't close your eyes off to the world surrounding All too often we die feeling that we have died alone Don't die alone So run to the water’s edge, I'll meet you there But I refuse to look back The nights call us as we watch them pass Do not live life in fear of the end because you did not savor your breath Don't close your eyes off to the world surrounding All too often we die feeling that we have died alone And I can't imagine anything worse than watching it go As I verse on what I should have done I vow to never waste another rising sun And I can't imagine anything worse than wasting eternity Waiting for others to decide for me I ask of you all, whose life are you living out? I’m just saying, you only get one life There’s no God, no rules, no judgments Except for those you accept or create for yourself And once it’s over, it’s over Dreamless sleep forever and ever So I'm asking of you now, how long will you live in doubt? Turn On. Tune In. Drop Out So I’m asking of you now, whose life will we live out? Turn On. Tune In. Drop Out