scream is tearing through my dream Cutting the night with silence splinter This is a's just a dream... It's smothering with delight and you Remained in it... And I'm just like behind the wall Behind a cell in a windowless room I am a prisoner in silence in front of myself Forgetting about the rainbow and painful dreams With your photo in my fingers... Oh, how dark it is in here But I'll adjust to anything My fear of darkness Will lead my sight outside There are no shining stars here There's just a flat ceiling, - The border of the freedom's mind Is carrying a despair A glass... Is breaking down so easily in my hands Almost not leaving any wounds But it cannot be brought back And I cannot tear through the cell of being. The walls will tumble down, The sky has fallen to the ground Abyss...I saw her eyes Constrained by the cold In a fiery whirl The ash will tell you everything