Eerie shadows darken his ordeal Alley-like trailing in an avenue Licking wounds like hungry tongues His decent towards magnitude His revelation In death-like slumber Cloaked in paleness Her trembling body in nightmarish concinnity Still pure... "Oh prisoner between the worlds, illuminated shalt thou be, my compassion shalt be thy redemption, gather whether thou believe" Overwhelmed by newborn demons He throw back his burdened head From behind a scornful laughter towards forbidden sight Like a spark through bones comes an awful awareness of a deeper meaning of hell, neither loss norsolitude, lithified, worshipped, forever stigmatized, a monument between the worlds, the deeper meaning of the apparently familiar, constantly asconding, chased by raging pawns, gazing straight into the sun, he anticipates the orbit of spiritual scavengers Allured by pain and innocence Voluptuous vermin surrounding Demanding Copulating like cattle The song burst and collapsed into stillness by the wrath of the huntress Blinded by the sun, he returned to seeing With the darkness returned the song Tunes from afar and visions of what he once possessed The fire of incompletion Purgatory completes the circle "Finally he found redemption in destruction" Stars remained synchronized Gathering embracing immortality In the darkness of singularity Here in the darkness...