I don't play the fool 'cause I'm not acting Don't know the angles, I've stopped protracting The earth is flat unless you're an astronaut This tune is vibration if your hearing is shot and all that I know is every day I know less and the best things in life don't make any sense I studied your face while you were asleep You looked connected to something quite deep As I get older I start to lose touch Maybe because I don't sleep as much I grit my teeth, when I sleep I get tense and the best things in life don't make any sense and the best things in life don't make any sense Of course there's love, it goes without saying Any talk of an answer would just be noise and little bits of spit spraying I flipped through the pictures and let the words lie Mosied through the market to smell and not buy Wearing dark glasses at night wrecks your eyes But pain can look cool when it's at its best and the best things in life don't make any sense and the best things in life don't make any sense and all that I know is every day I know less and the best things in life don't make any sense