Down a tunnel, in a tube, on the floor, knocked down by booze Busy man has blown his fuse while crossword people look for clues I say sir, get your nose out the paper, take a good look at what's going down Get clued into the shape of, the shape of things to come Have you seen the writing on the wall? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Reaching out for your calls Have you seen the writing on the wall? Did you look for your cause? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Life, I'm told's a compromise, lethargy in disguise Exclusive by the fine-toothed parts, stuck in the mud before they start They say sir, wouldn't you rather be on top of the world As opposed to always travelling underneath the ground? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Reaching out for your calls Have you seen the writing on the wall? Did you look for your cause? Have you seen the writing on the wall? La-la-la-la ... I say sir, get your nose out the paper, take a good look at what's going on Get clued into the shape of, the shape of things to come Have you seen the writing on the wall? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Reaching out for your calls Have you seen the writing on the wall? Did you look for your cause? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Have you seen the writing on the wall? Reaching out for your calls Have you seen the writing on the wall? Did you look for your cause? Have you seen the writing on the wall?