You don't know where you are Taken to some place sacred Bound by the neck, near strangulation A dark undisclosed location Before you lie instruments of destruction A repertoire of punishment Smothered in entrails of past infliction Each tool accustomed to mutilating flesh Deep breaths with lungs punctured leave you in a panic for air Jaw dislocated, it's painful to speak Your body frail and weakening Barely standing, a result of repeated battery at my hands! I am the artist of this morbid masterpiece These tools of beauty and you as my canvas You are my canvas! The masochistic acts soon executed However cruel are intricate The blood splatter that of artistry Prepare yourself Embrace only agony Take one look at me anticipate your suffering! Keep your eyes on me First the frame is deconstructed Blunt force snaps through bone Each limb dislocated and left dangling limp You've collapse upon your own legs The suffering has not reached its peak! It only intensifies as I commence severing appendages The suffering has not reached its peak! Removing every limb, slowly succumb to death My face sprayed in crimson mist from exposed arteries Before you fade away Witness the walls change from white to red The final liters of life pulse through your veins You've been abandoned, left to bleed out Now die alone!