A ship safe in it's harbor It's a shame you dont try harder. Ye of little faith, wheres the wind in your sails? Is it hope that you're after? I've never seen you run faster If this is all were searching for, are we lost? I'm a ship thats lost it's coordinates In a sea of your grace. I'm not coming back, not coming back. (x2) Tonight, we're veiled in disguise. What have we become? Just liars and thieves. We try our best but still we cant believe. What have we become? just scandals and priests. reflecting everyone We try so hard to please I'm a ship thats lost it's coordinates In a sea of your grace. I'm not coming back, not coming back. (x2) I want my ashes in the sea I want you to remember me as a man with a heart, who loved those in need. (x2) And didn't say "I was busy doing other things, but now I'm coming clean." And I can hear the angels sing "Hallelujah broken son, mend the hearts of broken ones. Hallelujah broken son, mend the hearts of broken ones. Hallelujah!"