Through the acrid fumes I breath I can see their rotting shapes Chemical green tears I drink To let my mind go ahead in time Like cockroaches and worms they moved Like saints we accepted this life We endured so much A smile enlightens my face when I recall them burning Burning, burning How they're burning, burning, burning Shining in the night Take me away From this hell of blood and mud Grant me peace No strength left to expiate my sins Why am I behind the glass? I scream but you can't hear My prayers to you 'Cause you should have followed us You did not follow us! Take me away From this hell of blood and mud These sounds of death Are strangling me from the inside By now I'm on my knees I tried to scream but you don't turn Your eyes on me You did not follow us Now you can't come with us Fools! For doomsday will come for all of us It will be too late Will be too late The night of our way back home The glory I can see yet It is too late It is too late for you And this vivid dream I live It is so close I almost can touch May our voice rip clouds and skies The dawn will come And find us born anew