Awakened by nightmares that she was only a dream Another day's mourning is what awaits me Recollections overthrow my peace Isolated within this agony As she died in my embrace My tears kissed her lips Surrendered to eternity in my arms And my tears they fall still Touching her hand, I watch her eyes in expectation Wondering if she will open them to me This is a world her eyes no longer can envision Nevermore will she open them to see The heartache of time moving ever onward Unrelenting clock governs passing days But as seasons keep changing, my sight grows clear As each day passes, she grows ever near The moon now hangs longer in the sky As frozen nights caress the earth below A lover and friend that I have lost Lies buried deep beneath the snow 12 months have passed through the hourglass While the sands of sorrow wept Though her body was stifled in a silent tomb Afterlife is never truly death On the eve to the day she left She now returns to me Her portrait smiles from beside our bed As her soul has been released Enframed visage wears the knowing face of wisdom As she conveys to me the secret truths of death Lurid beauty; my beloved angel beckons Whispering with tenderness