"Listen to my lifeless choirs, listen to my voice beyond... Behold the scythe in my bleach hands and know this: It is time to leave..." In an imperium beyond ethereal skies where no life dwells and all light dies, I touch the darkness of cold demise to become enshrouded with the night to rise... I listen to the call of my own existence, floating and writhing in the infernal void, yet unborn, yet not even a thought, already hiding the mask of a hallow grave. Stalking... There is no body, no flesh. No shell to comprehend, no shell to live again, just a glimpse of a thought in your eyes. There can be no compassion when the black void you see is me. There can be nothing holy when I am the hatred in your eyes. Name me equal to birth and death, a spirit haunting the black night, a spirit that is a myth in itself and all demons that were and will be... I am an enigma in every question, all what flesh knows is useless to me, being a question you will never answer: What lies in the fires of hell? In funereal vortex we unite under a starlit obsidian sky. Lay to me thy woeful blood and all pain as sacrifice... The force of my being is impervious to any weapon crafted by human hands, I am everywhere and the night is my mother, and I am the true face of evil. [Chorus:] I am anguish - Portal of all hate! I am eternity - Wisdom through the flames! I am anguish - Released in thy veins! I am Satan - The darkness in thy grave! I am a relic, created in a moment, when stars collided with stars. A million deaths' manifestation, an aural shape that the night attracts. I am like a beam from the moon, that you sense but never see. I am the smoke at your cremation and the flames of your funeral pyre. Your eyes are portals to me, a sacrifice given by the demon-ones. Helpless you remain, I enter and leave, able to end your life any time. O grim, fierce hatred, raging through my existence. My true vision of eternal darkness I behold through your dormant eyes. [Repeat Chorus] The obsidian eternity and anguish you will meet again in the midnight skies. I will remain, never to perish, the nightmare, the essence of your fears. Unlight comes closer - Extinguish the candle. Let thy blood flow into the night. Paint in blood's red, the constellation. Thy soul unites with the obsidian sky...