Invisible, without substance No weight, no material Heart of civilisation Our permanent companion Ruler about everything She let's us become wise She has the might to heal our wounds She never stands still Never stands still No superior no god But the tells us what to do She changes our lives with every heart-beat Until the day of our deaths She lets us crow old We can't escape from her influence Boundless, immortal, everything submit The magic of a moment deceased Irrectiveably in the grave of time A second,a minute,an hour,a day,amonth or a year Nothing lasts forever There's no eternity in this world, permanent renewal The might of transitio, an unstoppable force After summertime goes by The wheel of time never stands still With every breath our life is brought Nearer to the end Take time by the forelock Left no grass grow under your feet Live your life now, the visit is short Invisible, without substance No superior, no god Phenomenon time-a constant might undestructable Phenomenon time-raise in value when we get older Phenomenon time-an invaluable discovery Phenomenon time The magic of a moment deceased