A long cold sleep Without blood in my veins Kept in a coffin of ice Preservated in liquid nitrogen To rise up from the dead one day Eternal life-I'm reborn Now... I'm immortal Everlasting youth I'm reproducted Restored through gene-technology The shattered parts of the body are repaired I'm reproducted as a perfect copy of myself Implanted knowledge-experience Programmed Defy the age money makes it happen Challenge: Immortality Incessant research Fountain of youth once imagination Science the key to deprive death Eternal life, I'm reborn I'm immortal, everlasting youth Return to flesh Eternal life, I'm reproducted Eternal life, eternal life Restored through gene-technology The shattered parts of the body are repaired Artificial reproduction, unnatural birth Resistant against all sicknesses- Invulnerable Personality stored on hardisks The product human preserved D.n.a. the construction plan to create The same life twice Defy the age... Fountain of youth... Eternal life, I'm reborn I'm immortal, everlasting youth Return to flesh Eternal life, I'm reproducted Eternal life, eternal life I'm reproducted as a perfect copy of My self implanted knowledge- Experience programmed Eternal life, I'm reborn Eternal life, I'm immortal Eternal life