
Find The Arise


Tom: G

From: "Alez666" 
Date: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 3:12 PM

/ The following is the author's own interpretation of the song, to be used -
/ for studying or private use only, removal of any part of this ten line   -
/ header is illegal!!!  Removal of the transcribers name or anything       -
/ relevant to the transcriber is also illegal, as so is the removal of the -
/ place inwhich the tab was downloaded. Publishing as well as printing of  -
/ the tab is illegal without permission of the transcriber and copyright   -
/ owner of the song. Failure to apply to these laws result will in legal   -
/ action from the appropriate parties.                                     -

                         From the Album CAUSE OF DEATH (1990)
                         Copyright  RoadRUNNER Records
                                 written by: