In my dreams I see my fate Life is taken from me Thus there was an oath from all Never to harm Baldr But one was too young to take this oath... Take this bow as I guide your aim, Even the blind may honour their kin... Thus was the bane of the beautiful God There was much despair That deed began the end of things.. "With such a fell time we are faced One is to blame for what has become Soon he will face a terrible vengeance For all that he has done... Grief overwhelms, the end of all things Is now at hand as envy subsides One must ride the road to Hel If we are to see the fallen son again... Odins son Hermod the Bold Will ride as the wind To the second son Now prepared is a funeral pyre To send forth all that was Nine dark nights, the ride to Hel Comes he to the hall at last "O! Hel,I beg of thee, By the tears of the Aesir That you may let me brother ride With me back to his home By guile was he taken from here..." "This I say, if all will weep Then I shall let your brother leave". Thus it was spoken that all things Shed their tears in his name But there was one that would not weep... "Thokk will weep dry tears at Baldr's funeral pyre Alive or dead the old man's son gave me no joy. Let Hel hold what she has" Deciever, no shape or hide Can spare you from revenge You tread your fatal and final path No mercy will you be shown In this cave your eivl is bound Bound by your own son's Guts you shall remain Underneat the poison Forever you will lie But come will the day When bonds will break...