The tender words of my hypocrite, that fall so beautifully embraced, onto the ears of someone still pure enough to trust these lies that I say. No longer selfish, but far from selfless, don't call me the protaganist. I'm the biggest asshole to ever live. Let the glow in her eyes burn out, when she looks at you, it's so cold now where you were once consumed in a single flame called trust. No longer selfish, but far from selfless, don't call me the protaganist. I'm the biggest asshole to ever live. Let her voice crack, quiver, as she yells at you, it's so vulnerable, where you once claimed control of her glass frame, so pure. So I taught her apathy, I fit the stereotype, another one to raise her hopes, then leave her dry. But I'd take it back, Oh I'd take it back, for her I'd do anything for a remission of my sins. but there is no second chance. That's why you never make a promise you can't keep.