Behold, the blue horizon line We see orion rising The stars are ours The stars are ours tonight They sparkle and shine so bright Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours The moon that's up in the sky Is shining for you and i Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours We've come a long way from andromeda We've got a long way to go, I know, I know Interplanetary wanderers Like comets around the sun We come and we go The stars are ours tonight They sparkle and shine so bright Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours The moon that's up in the sky Is shining for you and i Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours Relax, the galaxies dance and spin To the music of the spheres No charted course for the space that we're in The stars are ours tonight, to light the years The stars are ours tonight They sparkle and shine so bright Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours The moon that's up in the sky Is shining for you and i Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours Because you're mine tonight The stars are ours Behold the blue horizon line We see orion rising The stars are ours