Nylon Beat

L.o.v.e. blue

Nylon Beat

L.O.V.E. blue
I think I'm loosing you
Suspiciously I find
That sign

L.O.V.E. blue
Just because of you
A doubt came to my heart
And mind

He's talking in his sleep
And I gotta listen
He doesn't know he's hurting me so deep
He's dreaming of somebody else
But not of me

He doesn't know I hear
Anything forbidden
Secrets that I'm not supposed to hear
He's calling someone else's name
When I'm not near



He's going out tonight
Nothing more than walking
With no special reason on his mind
And when he's back
I smell a perfume that's not mine

Picking up the phone
He's gonna do some talking
Thinking that he's safe at home alone
I hear him whispering to someone I don't know
