It's not incorrect, it was hangin' off my neck. It smothered all the time, it was dancing in my mind. This groovey idea came to me in a dream about pogo sticks and laser beams. And all of a sudden my pants were down, and I was in the pond and the water was turning brown. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. The cops saw my just a squattin' and sqintin', like a hamburger in the kitchen They chased me up into a tree, shining there flashlights right up at me. Guns were pointing at my eye. and I figured I was dreamin and I thought I could fly, But little did I know that this wasn't a dream, and the blood was real when I started to bleed. And then I woke up in a police car, and evidence was floating next to me in a jar. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. They found me guilty and I had to pay a fine, and clean out the pond with lemon and lime. And then I had to start over as a garbage man, eating apples with sand in my hand. And then I learned my lesson, with smith and wesson. brought me to diner with there mom Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond. Last night I shit a brick in the pond.