In the evening we read the newspapers About what happenend on the front: Hundreds fallen in combat Thousands more wounded. So many children without their father So many mothers without their child. And we ask ourselves when will the slaughter end. But in the morning - oh what a joy, We read the morning newspapers: About a banquet in one of the larger capitals Where '* made a toast To the prosperity of his country. Where the war was won With a wineglass in his hand! In the evening we read the newspapers: Yet another ship torpedoed. So many men put to sea So few but did return. So many tons of grain lost So many mouths without bread. So many women, so many children Closer to death from starvation. But in the morning - what a joy, We read the morning papers: Of a rich and stately banquet In one of the larger capitals. Where ...* made a toast To his famished country And praised ...* With a wineglass in his hand! Every day new misery, new poverty, new mourning Every day our trust in humankind Catches a blow. In fear we ask ourselves How much longer this rage of war must go on Which of Satan's ambassadors Is governing our world? Gravely the diplomats set off, To their feast and banquet. Satan put himself as pourer At the head of the table Where he fills with a grinn, Each time to the brim With the red blood of mankind The willing wineglasses in their hands!