Nuclear Rabbit - Bowling For Midgets Roly-Poly dwarves Rolling all around, knocking over pins, it's a New York sin Roly-poly dwarves Jobless by the hordes, Little people longing to be thrown, enumployed, somewhat annoyed Sorry little dwarves Steroid pumping men Throw him as far as you can Soaring through the air No other sport compares.. Suspended by a hook Awaiting to be flung, mighty warrior throws them one by one Grubby hobbit bum Surely a sight to behold, they look quite bold Sorry little dwarves Balded bearded athlete Stubby fingers, shrunken feat This sport would not be known If they were fully grown Infamous New York game A midget put to shame Dr. Ruth agrees, "This sport shoul not be ceased" Toss a little man, Rebounding on the floor like a loony-goony bird you can't ignore Roly-poly can-can Enjoy it while you can, This midget sport will not expand, not it's permanently banned Sorry, little dwarves The future it looks grim Dwarf tossing Tiny Tim Illegal in fifty states Unfortunate midget traits