Nuclear Death

Days Of The Weak

Nuclear Death

On Sunday we did acid
and climbed to the top of a mountain
to watch the colors descend.
At the top we met a young girl -
a runaway
said she was going to jump
we talked her out of it
and we became her friends...

On Monday we ate of the magic herb
and took the girl to buy clothes
so she would look nice
she then told us her story:
her mother always hit her
and her father would often rape her -
she cried
and we consoled her...

On Tuesday and Wednesday
we became closer
gaining her trust...

On Thursday she cried some more
and said she loved us for loving her
we became her family...

On Friday we did acid
and bought film
for our movie camera...

On Saturday we ate of the magic herb
and we shot the girl up with heroine
then, in turn, we fucked her
in every conceivable way...
then we cut her, and she cried
she knew what we are
then we shot her in the face
and all the while
the camera did not blink