Nuclear Death

Cathedral Of Sleep

Nuclear Death

When I awoke
a man wearing black is between my legs
tongueing my vagina
lapping me like a thirsty dog...

Through my revulsion
I feel some mild pleasure
then the man wearing black stands
pulling my hair from his teeth
but I noticed nothing dangled between his legs
He was a female down there-
and from his vagina came a toungue
followed by many fingers...

I awoke again
this time I'm chained to an altar
There are six women wearing habits around me
and they are cutting their own throats...

Through my revulsion
I feel some mild pleasure
then they fall upon me
soaking me in arterial blood
I thought they were dead
but then they stood
the gashes in their throats yawning
and from each gaping tear comes a penis
followed by many tongues

I entered their world not to worship
but to feel pleasure through the darkness of revulsion
and as I lay down to masturbate
among the gore of many animals
I realize I am a woman
but when I entered their world