Swastikas deviating society but not by much Hypocritical red neck in a sociopathic crutch Gassing jews to preserve their race Hanging coloreds to purify their space What makes you think you're better than others? Wasps destroy everything, unlike themselves A mother's curse Religion is designed to collect similarities And conquer or destroy the slightest deformities Over the centuries Christianity has proven If you happen to be different, out you're driven Insincere Christian love Death grip hold 2,000 years gone but still around Its bold curse Of course fight among yourselves with pompous ideals Audacity brainwashing siblings with a praying kneel E nomeni padre e cefilli e spirit tui sancti seige hail mien furor Keep us in safety from those deviated souls who don't think as we Protection, destructive killing those unlike me Curse ignorance stupidity