Hail, Choronzon, hail Come, Choronzon, come I salute and conjure thee O Choronzon By the chaos that moves me By the madness that imprisons me By the power of undying darkness I conjure thee again By the word that opens Zax Zarzax calls upon thee By three and by three and by three Come unto me Hail unto thee Who art thrice one Whose name is the second death Thou, who outnumbers the legions of light Thou, whose voice is the insane babble Of a multitude of demons Thou, who screams: I am I Come forth from the nothingness Thou art the master of form And from thee all forms proceed Thou, who hasth no face For thou hasth all faces Thy ways are the methods to the madness Share my insane hatred Against the supposed creator And slay the sons of man Zodacare Od Zodameranu Zodacare Od Zodameranu Zodacare Od Zodameranu Zodacare Od Zodameranu Unsanctify this place of peace That ll righteousness departs from it Befaul this planet with the stench Of thhy excrements O Choronzon Thou, who art seated higher than the heavens I pray that thou bestoweth unto me The knowledge of the world between being and not Feel free to manifest Feed upon the names of God For thou art master of the triangle Come unto me Come to life Corruptor of al coherence Set ablaze this earth of matter Rise, Choronzon, rise Lexarph, Comanon, Tabitom Come Choronzon I welcome thee I am servitor to thy dominion Zodacare Od Zodameranu