There is none more great than the lord thy God Stretch thine arm to strike those who would deny me Thy lord is sourly displeased Their blood shall be upon them Spare not the unbelievers For they heed not the Word of the lord thy God Trespassing upon the land of thy lord Their blood shall be upon them Tread upon the backs of the kneeling For they bow before hideous images Their vile chanting be silenced Their blood shall be upon them Put to death the idolaters For they have fallen to whoredom and wickedness Their bodies are like vessels of iniquity Their blood shall be upon them Destroy their houses of worship Be they smashed to their foundations And the foundation stones themselves Be dug up and cast away forever Take all their heads And pile them up before the lord thy God Burn down the cities In which they dwell Blessed is he who takes up his arms And proclaims the furious anger of the lord Blessed is he who purifies in the lord's name Let him receive eternal life